This Year is Dominick's first year playing soccer!
So far he's had a few practices and says he loves it more than baseball...
...Dave cringes every time he says that, Dave lives and breathes baseball!
So this should be fun to watch!
Dom has been so excited about soccer and wants to practice all the time.
Dave and him have been spending time in the backyard kicking around the ball!
He has a Great bunch of boys on his team and I really like the Coaches! I think he's going to learn a lot this year.
His First game is this Saturday! It's going to be great to watch...They have a few kids on the team that have played before but I believe most haven't!
The hardest part for Dominick is he wants to catch the ball when it's kicked to him and what not. He needs to get used to not being able to touch the ball with his hands.