Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Life In The Fast Lane!

I've been trying to get back in to blogging but it seems like there is never any down time long enough to sit and have a me moment!
Looking back at my blog it's hard to believe that it's been 2 years 7 months since my last post! Do you realize what can happen in 2 years 7 months? ...SO MUCH! In my case it's been a whirlwind of a time period! My kids are no longer "littles"...my nephews are no longer infants and are now "big boys" and I have a niece! ...A 2 year old niece! Dave and I just celebrated 10 years of marriage! I've quit my good paying, Monday - Friday, benefit having day job as a Legal Secretary to follow my longtime dream of owning a catering business. Held my breath, took a leap of faith and bought an existing catering company and have worked harder then I have ever worked my entire life for penny's to hopefully build this shell of a business into a fully functioning well oiled machine!Dave recently got a promotion and a new job/title at his job. It's nice to see someone else sees how dedicated and hardworking he is! 4 friends have got married, many more are planning their weddings, lots of new babies have been born and it currently seems like everyone we know is expecting (we're not going to drink that water)! A Ton has changed in the last 2 years 7 months!
Here's to hoping I can semi regularly keep up with posting...I'm going to shoot for at least once a week but hopefully I can find some time to do more than that! Don't hold your breath though! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mason's 1st Birthday!

October has one straight week of Birthdays! 
We had one CRAZY week! 
My Uncle turned the BIG 50 on Wednesday...My Nephew Mason turned 1 on Thursday and Dominick turned 7 on Friday! October is full of Birthday's in this family! Almost as bad as February! 

Birthday Boy Mason! 

Present Time! 

He LOVED the tissue paper! 

Baseball Toy!!...Had to be from Uncle Dave! 

Cake Time! 

He LOVED everyone singing Happy Birthday 
to him! 

Not too sure he likes this whole cake thing! 

Starting to Love It! 

Daddy got his face pushed into the cake!! 

The aftermath! 

One Sleepy Birthday Boy after a LONG Day! 

Happy 7th Birthday Lil Stud!

On Dominick's actual Birthday, Dave took Dominick and Jaden to Dave and Busters, then came home for Presents and Cake

I'd say someone's Happy!! 

Dominick's Favorite Cake that Aunty Manda got him!! 

Make a Wish and Blow those Candles Out! Here's to another Fantastic Year!!

It's hard to believe it's been 7 years since Dominick was born! I wish time would slow down a few...He's growing up to be quite the little man! I'm so very thankful for him and can't wait to see what life has in store for him! But as of right now...I'm ok with him staying little!! 

And it's PARTY TIME!

This was the Biggest/Craziest Birthday Dominick has ever had! Each year it gets a little bigger...We have a big family as it is...then you add family friends, school friends, and sports friends, and neighbor friends and before you know it you have 25 kids and 50 adults!!! 

I was running around the whole time...We had a jump house in the backyard and the racecar in the front yard! I felt like I was doing laps through the house, out back, down the side yard and into the front...the entire party trying to keep an eye on every kid! 

As crazy as it was, Dominick and all of his friends had a great time! I really loved the theme and thought it all came together pretty well! 


I was able to get a picture of each of the kids in the car!! All 25 kids were looking at me and smiling...except Dominick!! 

And that's a Wrap! Thank you for celebrating Dominick's 7th Birthday with us! We had a Blast!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back to School

The kids have now completed about half of this School Year! (When I started this post it was the first week of School! I just haven't got around to posting it!) Both are doing Great and Loving School! 

First Day of 2nd Grade!

Nervously waiting in line to meet the teacher!


And at this point I was bawling! All the kids were walking into class and after the last one the teacher shut the door! Ok...so your probably thinking what's the big deal?...I felt like we were missing something...every year before this one we've walked him in, took a picture of him at his desk, said our goodbyes and that was it! This year felt so different!

Dominick had a Great First Day and I managed to make it through as well! 

First Day of Preschool!

Emersyn LOVES School! There was no doubt in my mind that she was going to LOVE it! She loves to learn and she's pretty good at it (if I don't say so myself, lol). 

She was so funny..she had Dave, Her Teachers and I cracking up! When we went to pick her up the teachers were telling us she kept calling them Aunty! So when we were leaving she said "By Aunty see  you tomorrow". It took her about a week to call them teacher! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

End of Summer Photo Shoot

We had a Friend of Dave's take pictures of the kids...we wanted a few with the kids with Melissa in them before she went away to NEW YORK for College! 

The pictures are mostly of the kids with a couple of Melissa too! 

These are my favorite out of the HUNDREDS he took! 

(He told her to do something with her arms...
and this was what she did! LOL)

(Emersyn's facial expression in this one just makes me smile!)

Now I need to figure out what to do with them all! Obviously I can't frame them all! Picking is so Hard!